






There are three ways of beta decay: beta-decay, beta-decay and electron capture (EC). The decay of electron capture (EC) can be expressed as that the mother nucleus captures an extranuclear orbital electron, transforms a proton into a neutrino and releases a neutrino, so the charge number of the nucleus becomes Z-1, while the mass number remains unchanged. In general, the electrons in the K tianchuangd.89ix.comtianchuang.89ix.comtongfengqiw.89ix.comtongfengqi.89ix.comchuanxian.89ix.com

pvcguanjian.89ix.comlayer are mostly captured by the nucleus because of the fact that the electron in the K layer is captured by the nucleus. For the K layer closest to the nucleus, the probability of electron capture is the greatest, but the probability of electron capture on the L layer also exists. After the electron is captured, there will be an electron vacancy in the K or L layer of the nuclear atom. When an outer layer electron fills the vacancy, one of the following two situations may occur: Either the excess energy will be released in the form of labeling X-ray. Release, or transfer excess energy to other electrons on another layer, which acquires energy and breaks away from atoms to become Auger electrons. Emission with X-rays or Auger electrons is a sign of K capture process.


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