





1. Grounding problem
Grounding is very important for the installation and use of X ray machine. There are two meanings. On the one hand, it is safe grounding, which is aimed at the personal safety of staff and patients. On the other hand, it is the grounding of the work, which is to find out the discharge points or the reference points of the circuit for each circuit.
The success and failure of grounding operation is one of the key problems that affect the safety of human life and the normal operation of the machine. Grounding is measured by grounding resistance and must be checked regularly by functional departments. The value of grounding resistance is within the prescribed range and can not exceed the upper limit. The grounding resistance of ordinary X-ray machines is less than 3 ohms. Special purpose machines such as vascular subtraction (DSA) require less than 1 ohm.
Its production method is: if digging a pit at a depth of 1.5-2 meters from the ground according to the conventional method, the area of the pit mouth is (1-1.5) square meters, and the bottom of the pit is laid with a certain thickness of copper plate, the cost will be very high, and the connection of the lead is only one, unstable. In practice, three galvanized pipes (50mm in diameter and 2500mm in length) can be used. Each galvanized pipe is 3 meters apart and smashed into the ground. The galvanized pipe head is 300-500 mm away from the ground. Each pipe is connected with flat iron. Each galvanized pipe is welded with the ground wire and connected with each galvanized pipe to the connecting post of the ground wire. The ground wire of the machine is also connected to the terminal. This method can meet the machine requirements, low cost, easy to operate, high stability, work should be the preferred method.
2, power problem
According to the different requirements of the machine for the internal resistance of the power supply, the instantaneous power of the machine and the distance from the power transformer are mainly considered, and the wire diameter (mainly copper core wire) area of the machine power line is determined. Common X-ray machine, gastrointestinal X-ray machine power line (copper core) diameter of 30 square millimeters, more special machines such as: DSA, CT and other power line diameter of 50 square millimeters is appropriate. The power line is arranged in three-phase five-wire system (three phase lines, one zero line, one ground wire) or three-phase four-wire system (three phase lines, one zero line, ground wire connected separately), and the phase sequence of the phase lines should be paid attention to. The power control box is arranged in the convenient room for opening and closing of the control room.
3, room design
Including the design of the computer room and control room. According to the machine type, performance, work convenience and radiation protection requirements. Comprehensive consideration and reasonable design is also an important preparatory work. Because X-ray machine is a special machine, the X-ray produced by the human body has a certain radiation damage, so the protection of workers is a very important work, we must pay great attention to.
Under the condition that the protection of staff and working environment meets the national standard, the rationality of room layout and the degree of working convenience should be considered. First, determine the location of the center of the machine in the room according to the performance of the machine. In addition, the room height refers to the actual height of the ceiling from the ground (net height after decoration), to meet the requirements of the maximum distance machine operation, so as not to affect the operation. Observation window (commonly known as lead glass) design requirements with a certain amount of lead equivalent radiation-proof lead glass, located in the horizontal center of the wall, its lower edge of the actual distance from the ground (800-850) mm. Machine room and control room perforation is to connect the console with the control cabinet, bed cable and must be preset, generally consider the frequency of the machine, medium, high frequency and the preparation of power regulator and other aspects to determine the size of the wall perforation, generally square or round, size 200 mm *200 mm, 100 mm from the ground, the number of 1-2 mm One.
If the new machine room, should reserve underground cable trench, depending on the machine type, cable number to determine the size of the cable bridge size (to use overhead). The design of the room door is composed of the door of the computer room and the door of the control room of the computer room. This door needs special treatment. It emphasizes the protection performance and opens conveniently.


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