





1. First of all, the accuracy of the exposure control of the exposure time control frequency X ray machine is very different according to the different rectifying methods. The generator of high frequency X-ray X-ray machine adopts the method of voltage preset and feedback adjustment, and the precision of control is high. In this way, can greatly reduce the soft X-ray X ray beam in the beam to reduce the radiation dose of patients with Orlando, too, the exposure to high repeatability, so as to improve the quality of radiographs X. In fact, it also improves the output efficiency of X rays.
2, observe, the structure is simple, because the KV and MA values of the high and medium frequency X ray generator are pre arranged and feedback regulated in pure electronic way, without any mechanical knobs and switches, which eliminates the KV compensation circuit and the space charge compensation circuit.
3, secondly, there is no mechanical contact and knob, not only fast response speed, high precision of output parameters, but also can be adjusted to KV and MA during exposure.
4, at the same time, we need to pay attention to the use of energy storage components, which greatly reduce the power supply requirements, and even use direct current to directly supply power. Large power frequency X ray machines often need special line power supply.
5, because of the high frequency, according to the transformer equation, the volume of the high-voltage transformer can be greatly reduced, which is convenient for the miniaturization of the high-power (large capacity) X ray generator.
6. In the end, because of the small size of the transformer, it not only saves the production cost, but also reduces the copper consumption and iron consumption of the high voltage generator.


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